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Thursday 31 March 2011

Let’s Beautify our inner self..

We often spend hours making our looks good and appealing. We never hesitate to try out new cosmetics or perfumes or to have a new designer outfit in our wardrobe to add more glow in our appearance. We hit the gym or go for strict diet every time we feel those curves missing. We do so much to be accepted and appreciated. We follow the latest trend, never fail to update our status in the most popular social networking site, never fail to attend a friend’s party; we try to grab as much information as we can to keep pace with the fast moving world. We do everything to be popular and to be on everybody’s good book. But have we ever realized how little we do to our inner self?
The inner self, the real being in us. The person, who we really are, our principles, likes and dislikes, our strengths and weaknesses, our dreams and desires. We are so occupied in fulfilling what the world expect from us that we tend to forget what we really want. At times don’t we feel exhausted and irritated? Don’t we berserk for petty things? Don’t we feel empty within as if something is missing or feel terribly lonely in the midst of the crowd. Yes we all do go through such a phrase at one point in our life. But have we ever thought why we feel that way when everything seems so well balanced and normal? Many times we might have withdrawn the thought, thinking that it’s just a normal mood swing or might have blamed the hectic schedule in life. Well, but the answer lies deep within us. Most of the times we tend to forget the being we really are. We loss the connectivity with our inner self and thus feel lost and empty, similarly as we feel when we miss someone dear or close to us. We often ignore our inner self while concentrating more on our outer appearance. We are unaware of the self who needs our care and attention, which is our real identity. We are ignorant about our strengths and weaknesses which actually help us climb the ladder of success. We seek advice and motivation from others but ignore the best adviser and motivator in us. As we take care of our outer self, it is very important for us to take care of our inner self, to know the person who we really are, to be a better human being and to lead a more meaningful life.



Spend at least 15 minutes alone in a quiet place each day preferably early morning. Close your eyes, relax your body and take deep breathes. Concentrate on the rhythm of air within you. Keep your mind absolutely free from other thoughts. Just try to feel how the air goes in and comes out within you. Plant the seed of meditation and reap the fruit of peace. When your mind is calm and your senses relax, you become conscious of your always-present inner Self.

Get the “Me” time

Make it a point to find at least half an hour exclusively for yourself everyday. Try not to meet or contact anybody during that half an hour. Spend that time alone, enjoy your own company. Do things you love doing the most. Listen to some good music, read or pursue your hobby. It is very important to know how to enjoy one’s own company. If you can’t enjoy your own company, you can’t expect others to enjoy your company either.

Make a list of things you want to do

Write down what all you want to do in your life. The list might be more than twenty points but write down all you want and try to figure out how you can accomplish it. It can be as silly as purchasing a new dress to something as important as going for a dental checkup, to something like pursuing some hobby, reading a particular book or learning a new sport which you long wanted but couldn’t do for the lack of time. Whenever you fulfill any of it, put a tick on it and see how wonderful and satisfied you feel.

Pray and heal your mind

Arrange a small space in your house where you can pray every day. Spend some time thinking about the divine power you believe. Bestow yourself completely on His thoughts. Pray for wisdom and strength. It does magic to the mind, helps you develop a clear insight on things around you. Indeed many things which we shall not be able to discover either by the experiment of works or by the investigations of reason we shall learn through our prayers, by the revelation of divine inspiration.

Read good books

Make it a habit of reading at least few pages everyday. It helps you develop connectivity within yourself. Read some motivational and self development books like that of Shiv Khera, Robin Sharma. It can change a great deal of you for the better. It is said that books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.

Love yourself

Love the way you are, accept yourself with all your flaws, respect your thoughts and feelings before expecting it from others. By accepting yourself and by being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy. Don’t be too harsh on your self to accomplish your goals. As you gift and treat others, gift and treat yourself at times, you worth it the most. Trust me.

Keep smiling

When you smile, the world smiles with you. A smile is something you can't give away; it always comes back to you. And don’t you feel that lightness in your heart? To keep stress at bay, learn to smile at everything and everyone that comes your way and you can see that you actually can rule over any complicacy very easily. Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.

Focus on your strengths

Try to figure out your signature strength. What is that positive quality in you for which you are admired. What makes you unique from others. What gives you ultimate happiness and satisfaction. Try to work on it, enhance it every day. As for example if you are known for your writing or for your painting or any other skill, try to practice it and make it better every day.

Diminish your weaknesses

Learn your weakness and try to find means to diminish it. Don’t panic or curse yourself for it. We all are imperfect beings but we can diminish our weaknesses to a great extend if we really want. We should first know what our weaknesses are, accept it and try to rectify it.

Enhance positivity

Think positively. Try to focus on positive things around you and ignore the negatives. Try to avoid people with negative vibes. Clear your mind from hatred and ill feeling. You will be doing good to yourself rather than to others. To forget and to forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that the prisoner was you. Spread love and happiness around. Spend quality time with your dear ones.

Practice writing positive thoughts

Before going to bed, make it a habit of jotting down few good things that happened to you on that particular day. Lay down thinking of it and you will wake up smiling for another such beautiful day of hope and happiness.

Let’s develop our connectivity with our soul and heart and feel the real beauty of this life. As we love our outer self, let’s love our inner self who also requires our care and attention. Lets work everyday to beautify it, to make it more appreciating and appealing, to make life more beautiful and worth living.


  1. dear viewers, kindly post me your comments. I'll appreciate your suggestions. Your comments will motivate me a great deal to improve on my writing.

  2. Nilotpal Sarmah12 April 2011 at 17:37

    Great words; Even to create a positive vibe within, we need to practice viewing things in a positive way.
